Being a BME major:
It wasn't until senior year of high school that I even heard of a biomedical engineering major option in college. All I knew was that I wanted to study something I could use to help people relating to math and science since these were my favorite subjects. The thing I like most about the field is how many options there are after graduation. I have no idea what path I will take -- research, industry, med school -- but I know that I can at least count on having these open doors to discover what I'd really like to do in my career. Right now I am hoping to apply my engineering background in the public health field in order to make an impact on health in developing countries. I am excited to get into more specialized classes that the department has to offer to see where my interests take me.
These are the courses I've taken so far and will soon be taking according to the BME curriculum
These are the courses I've taken so far and will soon be taking according to the BME curriculum
Year 1
Semester One 15 Hours Course Title (Credit Hours) MATH 131 Consolidated Calculus I (4) CHEM 107/117 General Chemistry I & Lab (4) PHYS 131 General Physics I & Lab (4) SOCI 1030 Sociology of The Family (3) TIDES 1450 Grnd Challenges Sci Engr (1) Year 2 Semester One 20 Hours MATH 2240 Applied Math (Diff Eqns.) (4) CELL 1010/2110 General Biology I & Lab (4) ENGP 2010 Electric Circuits (3) ENGP 2430 Mechanics of Materials (3) BMEN 2310 Product & Experimental Design (3) THEA 2100 Fundamentals of Acting (3) Year 3 Semester One 16 Hours BMEN 3030/3130 Anat & Physiol for Engr & Lab (4) BMEN 3440 Biofluid Mechanics (3) BMEN 3710 BMEN Seminar (0) BMEN 3780 Proj Embedded Control Systems (3) BMEN 6760 Biomedical Microdevices (3) JWST 1010 Intro Jewish Civilization (3) Year 4 Semester One 13 Hours BMEN 4030 Team Design I (2) BMEN 4910 Research & Prof. Practice II (2) BMEN 6710 BMEN Seminar (0) CULT Cultural Knowledge Elective (3) CULT Cultural Knowledge Elective (3) **PELECT Professional Elective (3) |
Semester Two 18 Hours Course Title (Credit Hours) MATH 2210 Calculus III (4) CHEM 1080/1180 General Chemistry II & Lab (4) PHYS 1320 General Physics II & Lab (4) ENGP 1410 Statics (3) IDEV 1010 Intro To Development (3) IDEV 1890 Service 20 Hours:IDEV1010 Semester Two 14 Hours BMEN 2600 Intro Organic & Bio-Chemistries (3) BMEN 2730 Biomedical Electronics & Lab (4) ENGP 3120 Materials Science & Engr (3) BMEN 2020 Comput. Concepts and Appl (4) Semester Two 15 Hours BMEN 3060/3160 Quantitative Physiology & Lab (4) BMEN 3820 Math Modeling (3) BMEN 4900 Research & Prof. Practice (2) BMEN 6740 Data Acquisition and Control(3) BMEN 6790 Design Studio & Lab (3) Semester Two 12 Hours BMEN 4040 Team Design II (3) BMEN 6720 BMEN Seminar (0) CULT Cultural Knowledge Elective (3) **PELECT Professional Elective (3) **PELECT Professional Elective (3) |
Working as a Lab Tech:

The core lab
Since October 2010, I have been working as a lab tech for the department as part of my financial aid in the work study program. I mainly help maintain the tissue culture core lab and do any tasks that the department needs (anything from hanging up flyers to doing lab inspections). It has been nice becoming more familiar with the faculty/staff members and learning more about how the department runs. I also enjoy learning about the equipment that I will most likely be using during my research junior and senior year.