Kupikia Tanzania!To Cook for Tanzania
On sale now at: www.kupikiatanzania.com
FYI to pronounce the title it is: "ku-pee-key-uh"
... it turns out making a book requires a lot of effort. I wasn't going to spend time on something I would be fine with throwing away in a few years; that is a challenge within itself. I also wanted people who decided to support the cause to not only be happy about who they're helping, but to have something they enjoy in return (and possibly even learn a thing or two!). So, I made this book full of pictures (I think just over 130!) and spent a lot of time formatting each and every page to get it to where it is today. Not to mention the amount of help I've had on this. My roommate, Aubrey, has tried almost every recipe in this book with me this semester and helped me edit all of the recipes! She is constantly baking cookies and delicious treats for our class so her recipe reading definitely helped make mine more "cookbook like." And then Colin helped me while in Tanzania, making the whole cooking process faster by taking pictures and writing down all the things we were chopping up, adding, simmering, or frying. He also happens to be an excellent marketer :) I think half the books sold so far were thanks to him! And then everyone who helped me edit the pages when Aubrey and I couldn't stare at the recipes any longer!
Most of my updates on the book will just be posted on the website for the cookbook so it all stays in one place. Now, I'm busy trying to decide my next move with who to outreach to and what kind of big event I should have to raise a large amount of money in one sitting. I'm thinking about contacting dining services at Tulane to do a Tanzanian dinner night in Buff - the only all you can eat place on campus.
It was so exciting when everyone was getting their first round of books and I can't wait for people to start trying some dishes!
Online alone 175 books and 17 pdfs have been purchased and I'm slowly getting more and more donations - approaching the $3000 mark pretty soon!
Stay tuned at www.kupikiatanzania.com :)
On sale now at: www.kupikiatanzania.com
FYI to pronounce the title it is: "ku-pee-key-uh"
... it turns out making a book requires a lot of effort. I wasn't going to spend time on something I would be fine with throwing away in a few years; that is a challenge within itself. I also wanted people who decided to support the cause to not only be happy about who they're helping, but to have something they enjoy in return (and possibly even learn a thing or two!). So, I made this book full of pictures (I think just over 130!) and spent a lot of time formatting each and every page to get it to where it is today. Not to mention the amount of help I've had on this. My roommate, Aubrey, has tried almost every recipe in this book with me this semester and helped me edit all of the recipes! She is constantly baking cookies and delicious treats for our class so her recipe reading definitely helped make mine more "cookbook like." And then Colin helped me while in Tanzania, making the whole cooking process faster by taking pictures and writing down all the things we were chopping up, adding, simmering, or frying. He also happens to be an excellent marketer :) I think half the books sold so far were thanks to him! And then everyone who helped me edit the pages when Aubrey and I couldn't stare at the recipes any longer!
Most of my updates on the book will just be posted on the website for the cookbook so it all stays in one place. Now, I'm busy trying to decide my next move with who to outreach to and what kind of big event I should have to raise a large amount of money in one sitting. I'm thinking about contacting dining services at Tulane to do a Tanzanian dinner night in Buff - the only all you can eat place on campus.
It was so exciting when everyone was getting their first round of books and I can't wait for people to start trying some dishes!
Online alone 175 books and 17 pdfs have been purchased and I'm slowly getting more and more donations - approaching the $3000 mark pretty soon!
Stay tuned at www.kupikiatanzania.com :)