It is also crazy that Mardi Gras is already over! It was nice having Colin here on the weekends since he worked only 2 hours away from New Orleans, definitely much better than the usual. Because of this and just the general wonderfulness of the season, I had a blast and have achieved even more bead mongering than any other year! I have so many toys and Mardi Gras goodies for the kids I teach now- they won't run out of good behavior prizes now, that's for sure. My favorites this year were Krewe du Vieux, Muses, Endymion, Thoth, and Zulu (of course). The weather wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t bitter cold so I can’t complain. Next year’s goal is to have awesome outfits! It is amazing what kind of outfits come out during Mardi Gras – chicken suits, alligator outfits, and footie pajamas are things that don’t surprise me during carnival season. I am really hoping I get more visitors next year, such a necessary NOLA experience! This year was also cool because there were four BME’s that all turned 21 right before Mardi Gras, so we were able to have a nice BBQ day before the parades to celebrate with everyone. I feel so lucky to have such a great group of friends in my major (and outside it!).
Now, classes are really in full swing and time is going to go by even quicker. Two more weeks until spring break then there’s Easter break, finals and in 95 days I’ll be in Tanzania!!! Spring break should be really fun because I am leading a trip down to Miami since I liked it so much freshman year. We will be working in the Everglades, Biscayne Bay and Chapman Partnership homeless shelter.
Now for the best part: pictures!
Now, classes are really in full swing and time is going to go by even quicker. Two more weeks until spring break then there’s Easter break, finals and in 95 days I’ll be in Tanzania!!! Spring break should be really fun because I am leading a trip down to Miami since I liked it so much freshman year. We will be working in the Everglades, Biscayne Bay and Chapman Partnership homeless shelter.
Now for the best part: pictures!